All-On-4 Dental Implants – Kansas City, MO
Recover Your Smile in a Single Appointment
Traditionally, replacing a full row of missing teeth meant using a removable denture, as these prosthetics allow patients to get teeth that look similar to those that they lost. Unfortunately, only about 20% of natural chewing function can be restored with the best quality traditional dentures. All-on-4 dentures offer patients the added stability and strength of dental implants, and they use the naturally denser portions of the jaw to provide support for the entire denture rather than requiring bone grafting. If you want to learn more about the All-on-4 treatment process, call the Kansas City dental office of Michael C. Byars, DDS to schedule an appointment with our team.
Why Choose Michael C. Byars, DDS for All-On-4 Dental Implants?
- Can Replace An Entire Row of Teeth in a Single Visit
- 15+ Years of Dental Implant Experience
- Can Help Many Patients Avoid Needing a Bone Graft
What is All-on-4?

All-on-4 is an innovative implant denture method. The All-on-4 technique leverages the naturally denser part of the jawbone in the front of the mouth to provide support for your entire denture. In most cases, as the name suggests, patients are able to support their denture on just four implant posts. Rather than spacing the implants over the length of the jawbone, two implants are placed vertically to support the front of the denture. The other two posts are placed diagonally at the back of the jawbone.
How is the All-on-4 Process Completed?

All-on-4 is completed over the course of two treatment phases much like traditional dental implant supported tooth replacement, but it’s all done at one appointment. The initial phase is the surgical placement of your implant posts using the innovative All-on-4 technique. Then, they are immediately topped with a temporary denture, allowing you to walk out of our office with a completely new row of teeth.
Who Should Consider All-on-4?

Any patient missing a full row of teeth should consider the innovative All-on-4 tooth replacement method, but no treatment is right for everyone. Before we recommend All-on-4, Dr. Byars will carefully examine your smile, discuss your overall health, and review any past experiences with surgical treatment. If you’re in relatively good health and have never had an adverse reaction during surgical treatment, All-on-4 may be the ideal tooth replacement option for you.
How Do I Care for My Smile After All-on-4 Treatment?

Once your All-on-4 implant denture is in place, you can brush it just like your regular teeth. Use a soft or ultra-soft bristled toothbrush to avoid any unnecessary wear or tear. You should also use a water flosser and/or an antimicrobial oral rinse to remove the plaque and tartar that builds up under your denture around the gums. A member of our team will be happy to walk you through the best practices during your visit.
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