Are you dealing with the effects of failing or missing teeth? Dental implants are without a doubt the best way to deal with one, two, or several gaps in your smile. That’s why they’re also the most popular method of tooth replacement — and why you may have questions about them right now. Keep reading for the answers in this dental implant FAQ from your dentist in Kansas City.
Michael C. Byars, DDS Blog
Dental Implant FAQs from Your Implant Dentist in Kansas City
August 13, 2018
Is Adult Tooth Loss Normal? Your Implant Dentist in Kansas City Answers
July 16, 2018
As we age, things start to slow and break down. Unfortunately, it’s just a fact of life. Does that apply to your oral health, too? Your implant dentist in Kansas City says it does and weighs in to explain the causes of age-related tooth loss and what you can do in response, so that you can be fully restored and maintain the way of life you’ve always had.
Get Securely-Fitting Dentures from Your Implant Dentist in Kansas City
June 7, 2018
Living with tooth loss can be a major inconvenience, leaving you unable to eat the foods you desire, speak clearly and smile with confidence. It’s comforting to know, then, that there’s a way to regain what’s been lost with dentures, but how can you get the most out of your new prosthetics? Your implant dentist in Kansas City says there certainly is a better way, and you’ll learn about it as you read on!
3 Questions You Should be Asking Your Dental Hygienist
April 13, 2018
Your dental hygienist may be the best kept secret in your dentistry office. Hygienists are skilled professionals with advanced training and expertise that allows them to help patients achieve and maintain their healthiest smiles. Next time you visit your dentist’s office for a preventive dentistry appointment, take the time to talk to your hygienist. They can help you achieve and maintain the optimal level of oral health for a lifetime of healthy, beautiful smiles.
Genetics and Oral Health — Your Dentist Explains the Connection
March 20, 2018
Our genes are the code behind much of what we are. They determine our height, our eye color, whether we have certain diseases, and even whether we can roll our tongue. They may even play a role in our personality traits. But does our DNA also have an effect on our oral health? Your dentist near Liberty, MO is here to discuss this fascinating topic.
Tired of Your CPAP? Your Dentist Liberty Can Help!
February 13, 2018
If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, you may be living with issues such as frequent headaches, chronic fatigue, and difficulties focusing or concentrating among other things. The standard of care for treating sleep apnea involves continuous positive air pressure therapy, or CPAP, but what if you’re not comfortable with your CPAP device? Your dentist in Liberty has solutions for you.
Visiting Your Dentist near Liberty, MO, While Pregnant Is Important!
December 12, 2017
If you’re an expectant mother, you’re probably diligent about taking care of your health because you know that everything you do could affect the precious little life growing inside of you. That’s why you take lots of vitamins, eat wholesome foods, and never skip your appointments with your doctor. But visiting your dentist near Liberty, MO is also important while you’re hosting a tiny human inside you! Here’s why you shouldn’t be a stranger at your dentist’s office during your pregnancy.
Dentist in Liberty, MO Says It Saves Smiles to Get Screened
November 5, 2017
The holidays are a time of celebration and happiness. One of the worst ways to drag down the jolliness that surrounds friends and family is breaking to them that you have a debilitating disease like oral cancer.
The good news is that oral cancer is completely treatable and actually has a very high success rate if caught in the early stages. That’s why your dentist in Liberty, MO believes in offering oral cancer screenings to all patients. Avoid bad news and keep up the holiday cheer by being proactive in caring for your oral health.
Older Patients Are Confident in Their Kansas City, MO Dentist
October 20, 2017
Unfortunately, for older patients losing their natural teeth isn’t a far-off nightmare—it can be a close reality! While tooth loss in seniors has decreased overall, there are still a large number of senior patients that remain with no teeth at all! If you’re wondering why you’re more susceptible to tooth loss as you age, this post from your Kansas City, MO dentist explains it all.
Your Cosmetic Dentist in Liberty, MO Advises Against DIY Dentistry
September 16, 2017
As you surf the internet or check your social media feeds, you see multiple DIY videos to help you save money and to make your life easier. Among many of the tutorials that you will find online involve do-it-your-self cosmetic dental procedures. While they may seem like the quick fix and the perfect solution to get the perfect smile that you have always wanted, your cosmetic dentist in Liberty, MO will highly recommend that you do not give them a try. They cannot only cause permanent damage to your teeth, but your health as well.