Invisalign has taken the world of modern dentistry by storm, and these days, more and more patients are turning toward the clear aligners to correct their misalignment and unlock beautiful, healthy, symmetrical smiles. But if you’re already convinced that Invisalign is right for you, you might still be wondering when the best time to undergo the treatment is. Keep reading to learn about three reasons why summertime is perhaps the best time to kick off your Invisalign journey!
1. Plenty of Time During Summer
For many people, summertime offers much more flexibility in their day-to-day schedules, as well as a little extra time off from work or school. Since you’ll have to see your provider every six weeks for checkups and new aligners, it will be much easier to schedule these appointments. Not to mention, you’ll also have plenty of time to adjust to wearing your trays during the slow-paced summer months.
2. Summertime Snacking Won’t Be an Issue
When it comes to Invisalign, you can pretty much eat whatever you want as long as you remove your trays beforehand. This means that you can still enjoy all of your favorite summertime snacks and staples as long as you’re adhering to your treatment guidelines—and practicing good oral hygiene, too!
3. Look Great for Summer Photo Opportunities
Whether you’re planning a trip to the beach, a vacation to a new country, or simply hoping to kick back, relax, and enjoy a “staycation” at home, there are certain to be plenty of opportunities for photographs this summer. But unlike braces’ metal brackets and wires, Invisalign’s clear aligners are virtually invisible and seamlessly fit your teeth, meaning that no one will even be able to notice that you’re wearing them. You’ll enjoy a camera-ready smile all summer long as your smile is transformed!
If you’re on the fence about committing to Invisalign and wondering if the summertime is a good time to get the ball rolling, don’t hesitate to contact your provider today. There is no doubt that the season provides a great opportunity for this treatment, and by the time the cooler autumn and winter months roll around, you’ll be the master of wearing your trays!
About the Author
Dr. Michael C. Byars received his DDS from the University of Missouri – Kansas City and has proudly served patients and families in Kansas City for the last several years. His practice is excited to offer a wide range of services including various orthodontic treatments such as Invisalign. If you have any questions about the blog or you’d like to arrange a consultation for you or someone you know, don’t hesitate to contact his office online or over the phone for assistance! Telephone: (816) 781-8222.