Everyone wants to fill their family’s stockings with gifts that’ll make them happy, but many times that means giving them sugary sweets that are disastrous for their teeth. Fortunately, it’s possible to give your children gifts in their stockings that can make them happy and help them prevent oral health problems. Here are three stocking stuffers that will not only make your kids smile, but can also keep that smile looking healthy.
Tooth Healthy Treats
The way to anyone’s heart is through their stomach, so your children will be sure to appreciate any sweets you put in their stockings. That said, you should probably be a little choosy about the foods you give them.
Toffee, caramel, and other sticky sweets are packed with sugars that will cling to your kids’ teeth. The longer they stick there, the more those sugars will be able to feed the bacteria in their mouth. If you want sweets that are a little healthier for their teeth, you might try giving your children chocolate, which tends not to stick in the mouth for quite as long.
Electric Toothbrush
Brushing their teeth twice a day isn’t most kids’ favorite thing in the world. Thankfully, many toothbrush companies have developed electric brushes to make brushing more fun. Kid’s electric toothbrushes have not only been clinically proven to clean teeth more efficiently than analog brushes, but they can also be decorated with children’s favorite characters, play their favorite music, or even connect to apps that turn brushing into a game! You ought to replace your child’s toothbrush every few months, so why not give them one that they’ll actually enjoy?
Sweet Dental Products
Getting your kids to brush can be difficult if mint isn’t their favorite flavor. Slipping flavored toothpaste into their stocking can not only remind them to protect their oral health in the new year, but also makes the prospect much more appetizing.
As you can see, there are plenty of gifts you can get your children that will not only be better for them than gooey sweets, but can actually improve their oral health! Keep these in mind, and you can have a happy holiday for your kids and their teeth.
About the Author
Dr. Michael Byars is an experienced dentist who prides himself on offering the highest quality of care available in a calming, comfortable environment. He loves developing a relationship with his patients, and he’s motivated by seeing the results of his hard work give them the confidence they deserve. Dr. Byars received his Doctor of Dental Surgery at the University of Missouri — Kansas City, and he’s a proud member of both the Greater Kansas City Dental Society and the Missouri Dental Association. If you have any questions about how best to protect your family’s teeth over the holidays, he can be reached at his website or by phone at (816) 781-8222.